Friday, August 29, 2008

Newfound Hope

I've never seen a more exciting political convention that this week's Democratic National Convention in Denver, Colorado. And the political process has never moved me more, nor made me feel more compelled to talk about it. What a week! Each night as I sat before the t.v. listening to speeches, I was literally moved to tears. Ted Kennedy in his weakened state of health began the week with an impassioned speech that highlighted America's need for renewal. Michelle Obama continued with a moving tribute to the personal life of Barack, highlighting his love of humanity. Hillary Clinton stood firmly on Obama's side with a brilliant speech that unified the Democratic party like I've never seen before. She stood with confidence after having lost the party's nomination, and with grace and strength and dignity, joined Obama's side with enthusiasm. She was the epitome of Woman, and spoke heroically! The following evening Bill Clinton delivered a "warm-up" speech for Joe Biden and delivered it as no other than Bill Clinton can. He, like Hillary, set his ego aside, and vigorously proclaimed his support of Barack Obama and encouraged all listeners to do the same.

And I thought I'd seen some of the best speeches I'd ever see in my lifetime. They were poised and eloquent, inspirational, and rousing. They were simply marvelous! But last night's speech was so incredible I'm still trying to process the genius of it. When I watched Barack Obama deliver his nominee acceptance speech, I was transported into a place of profound personal and spiritual growth! Imagine how it would feel to have a president who could teach you something and make you feel empowered. Imagine a president who speaks with dignity about and to people with whom he profoundly disagrees. Imagine a president who is undeniably intellectual and captivatingly down-to-earth, both without affect. Imagine a president with genuine values and courage to hope. Imagine a president who is a lover of humanity! This is the image I saw and heard last night. And I felt like a new person today because of it!

As Jeff and I were reflecting this evening about the speech last night (which brought us both to tears!) Jeff noted that this week was like martial arts sparring with the Republicans. He explained that in sparring, you give little jabs with one hand to trick the opponent into thinking more jabs are coming, that that's all there is, but then you deliver the big blow with the other, unexpected hand. He said he thought this week's speeches were something like the one-tw0 punch, only the one-two before the punch were so powerful that when the actual punch came, it was crushing! And as is understandable, the Republican response has been minimal at best. Even Pat Buchanan said it was the best convention speech in history.

I'd grown so frustrated and disinterested in the American political process. I'd grown so tired of hearing lies and phony folksy vocal inflections to cover up unethical decisions. I'd grown so devastated by the image my friends in other countries have of my country. It's been a wearying eight years of disappointment and loss of faith in my government and sadly in people. How awful it's felt to lose hope. How physically sickening to writhe in sheer anger at the fact that the country of my being represents nothing I stand for and everything I loathe!

And then the last four nights fluttered in like butterflies and lit into my world a sense of resurrection! It's that renewal that Ted Kennedy spoke about. It's palpable and enormous!

And it makes me think about how important it is to stay firmly grounded in your deepest values and firmest beliefs. I makes me understand anew what it means to have faith in that which cannot yet be seen.

I'm basking in the light of an incredible man, a national treasure, and praying that the 38 million others who watched him speak last night were as moved as I was, and left with as much hope. This is a day of new beginnings!