Monday, May 12, 2008

Resurrecting this blog

Yesterday was Mother's Day. I cooked lunch to honor my mom, mother-in-law and husband's grandmother on the occasion. After we ate, the mothers around the table opened presents: a potted succulent blend for Jeff's grandmother, Jimmy Carter's book about his mother and a book of photos from our trip to the Grand Canyon for Jeff's mom, and a matching Carter book and DVD of our trip for my mom. Then there was one more small gift my brother, husband and I gave to my mom...we gave her a card that said, "This card entitles you to the next family work day to repot your orchids." It's a small token of appreciation, but when Mom opened the card, she shouted "YES!" with this gleeful smile on her face.

Mom's orchids have been around about as long as I have. Growing up, we had them in a plant stand in the back yard. They numbered 12-15 plants and there was a waterfall they sat around, that flowed under our little red Japanese bridge into the fish pond. The trickle of the water resounded gently through the back patio, and the orchids always sat like a picture there in that open-faced greenhouse. Every year when the orchid spikes would bloom, Mom would make us matching Easter corsages to wear with our matching hand-sewn Easter dresses. We'd attach them to our dresses with pearl-headed pins and wear them to church with pride. I've always loved the backdrop of those orchid plants like I love the backdrop of the childhood my mother gave to me.

The orchid plants moved from house to house, journeying with us all these years, like a family member. But they've outgrown their pots again and need more room to grow. Together we'll mother them to expand their roots so their blooms can flourish, like my mom has always done for me.

1 comment:

Elena's Girl said...

What a beautiful post Tam. I love reading your words as much as I love listening to them. I'm glad you got this blog going again. I have it tagged as a favorite.